
Affordable wedding DJs in Tauranga,Napier, package prices

Professional Wedding DJ Entertainment at Affordable prices

"Evereything you would get from other DJs and more"
  • Cue Party Music
  • Based On 4 Hours Of DJ Entertainment.
  • First dance song.
  • Bouquet and Garter music.
  • Incorporation of requests on the night.
  • 2000 Watt JBL Sound Syatem.
  • The latest intelligent party lighting.
  • Price $1100.
  • Enquire Now
  • Tauranga-Wedding-reception
  • All Day Wedding DEAL!
  • Based On 9 Hours Of DJ Entertainment.
  • Pre arrival music before ceremony as guests arrive.
  • Wireless microphone for the Celebrant.
  • You’re special walking down the aisle music.
  • Signing of the marriage licence songs.
  • Walking back down the aisle as husband and wife song.
  • You’re style of music over photos and canapés.
  • Entrance music to the reception.
  • Classy dinner music.
  • First dance song.
  • Bouquet and Garter music.
  • Incorporation of requests on the night.
  • 2000 Watt JBL Sound Syatem.
  • The latest intelligent party lighting.
  • One free consultation with your DJ.
  • Price $2100.
  • Enquire Now
  • Cue Reception
  • Based On 6 Hours Of DJ Entertainment.
  • Entrance music to the reception.
  • Classy dinner music.
  • First dance song.
  • Bouquet and Garter music.
  • Incorporation of requests on the night.
  • 2000 Watt JBL Sound Syatem.
  • The latest intelligent party lighting.
  • One free consultation with your DJ.
  • Price $1600.
  • Enquire Now
  • Wedding-DJ-prices-Tauranga

Enqiure Today To Find Out More !


Cue Party Music

From your first dance to the last song of the night, Cue Djs will have you on your feet dancing the night away. Our DJs have the skills and experience to play the right songs at the right time to keep the energy up for a great atmosphere. The Cue Party Music package comes with a full 2000watt sound system and intelligent lighting package appropriate for a wedding.


All Day Wedding DEAL!

Our all day package is where we look after all of your sound equipment and music needs for the whole wedding. Its starts with music playing as your guests arrive to the ceremony location and includes all your ceremony songs. Then we cover with background music as your guests enjoys there drinks and canapés. Then this package includes everything in the Cue reception and Party Music Package .


Cue Reception

Picture this. Walking into your wedding reception with a favourite song playing, as you sit down your MC can be heard clearly through our wireless mic and sound system. Welcoming you and your guests to this special part of day. As you eat your meal you hear your style of music playing in the background. As the evening is progressing you notice the music is a more up tempo and your guests are moving their heads, tapping their feet in time with the music. The MC announces your first dance and everyone is in the mood to party.

We Always Create the Cue DJs Difference.

It all begins at the click of the BUTTON